Embark on a colorful journey of alphabet exploration with Prashant Jalan’s ABC Trace and Write book. Designed for kids aged 3 and above and over 100 pages of tracing, this delightful book is the perfect companion for introducing your little ones to the magic of capital and small letters and handwriting.
Inside, each page features a bold, easy-to-follow letter of the lower and upper case alphabet, designed with plenty of space for tiny fingers to trace. Simple and engaging, this book encourages early writing skills while making learning fun. The book’s clear, step-by-step guidance helps kids practice proper letter formation, setting the foundation for future writing success.
With charming illustrations accompanying each letter, children will stay captivated and excited as they trace and learn and will learn to correspond objects with letters. Whether it’s the elegant curve of “C” or the bouncy lines of “S,” this book offers a playful approach to mastering the ABCs.
Give your child a head start in their literacy journey with “ABC Tracing Book with Prashant Jalan.” Watch their confidence grow as they learn to write each letter and get ready for a lifetime of reading and writing adventures.
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